Monday, January 26, 2009


So I called my friend Brit the other night just to stop by her place for a few minutes to catch up and we got to talking. I was only expecting to stay for a bit, but I soon found myself booking a flight to Seattle. The last year or so I have lost my spontaneity. I used to be a free spirit that could run with the wind, but that seems to go away when you "Grow Up" or you start dating a person who expects you to think inside a box. Well I decided to think out of the box I have been living in for the last year. So I convinced Brit let's buy the tickets right now and the rest will fall into place. We both need a jump start in life and this could be it. When you are in a relationship with the same person for so long you start becoming them. Well at least that's what's happened to me. Dustin not being spontaneous at all did not approve of this little stunt that I pulled, but I am quite pleased with my spontaneity. Thus, I am returning to Seattle a place that captured my heart once and will sure not let me down again. 

Seattle. I was able to visit Seattle this past summer and spend some time in this beautiful city that I instantly fell in love with at first sight, while on a work trip. I was on the plane coming down through the clouds when I look out the window and this picture is what I saw. I couldn't describe how beautiful it looked. It was endless.  

I have a great friend in Seattle. Her name is Jordan and we've been friends for 10 years or so. I would call her my political friend. She is currently studying at The University of Seattle Law School. She know's the ends and outs of the city and I can't wait to reconnect with her. Last time she took me to all these quaint little areas of Seattle with the cutest Boutiques, which of course I love. Plus we have the best time together talking about God and life. Conversations for hours about deep influential things over a cup of coffee. I think I am most excited to return to a Cathedral she took me to last time I visited her. It was by far the most Spiritual thing I have ever experienced. I often return to that church in my mind and feel God moving in my heart. It was an Episcopal Church, a 9:30pm service where 12 men would sing hymns in the most beautiful Cathedral I have stepped foot in. All sorts of people filled the room. Some standing, hippies laying on the floor, business men on their knees. I felt comfortable knowing no one was there to judge me. We were all there for the same reason. To hear the sounds of Heaven open up. And that's exactly what we all left with. For some, this might be a Sunday evening event, but for me it was so much more. It was God peering thorough my broken heart and giving me a sense of joy that I had been missing. 

This trip means a lot to me. It's more than just returning to my favorite city; it's reconnecting with myself. It's the independence that I have lost. The happiness that I have buried away. It's going back to that Cathedral where I experienced a God I had never known. It's walking the streets of a city so vibrant. It's running in the pouring down rain. It's the sense of wonder. 

It's the essence of me.