Tuesday, January 27, 2009


It's around us everyday. It's at our jobs, in our personal life, it's on the streets, and in our very own homes. We have to watch what we say, what we do, who we are, who were around, what we wear, what we watch, and who we trust. 

To me this is a very frustrating part of life that I am currently trying to overcome. Let's just say where I work doesn't allow for freedom of speech. It doesn't allow for freedom of life at least the way I see it. Some might be ok with the way that things are ran here, but I have a more Liberal approach on life. 

So this leads to CENSORSHIP. 

Censorship is the suppression of speech or deletion of communicative material which may be considered objectionable, harmful or sensitive, as determined by a censor. The rationale for censorship is different for various types of information censored. 

I hate censorship. I thought we lived in a place where freedom is a privilege. Well for me it's not. I feel like I am constantly crossing my T's and dotting my I's to make sure I am doing everything right. It's exhausting and rather hard to live up to. Some might say well you moved there. Yes I did. I would agree with you, but I wish it would allow for more freedom. Where I could write what I want to write about and not be scared that the wrong person will get ahold of it. Or do what I want and not have to look behind me. Or say what I want and not have to pay attention to who's listening. 

My current job takes a rather harsh judgement towards people when it comes to the individual being real. I'll go a step further in saying they think inside a box. It seems to me that there is a rather large group of people here that would agree with me, but would never side with me in order to stay "hush hush" about things they do according to where I work, which in my view aren't horrible things in the least. I just think it's ridiculous constantly living your life in a box because you are forced to according to someone that tries to play the role of God. My God has a more gentle approach on the specific issues that I am covering. My God walks with me everyday and has never condemned me for anything that I have done. Even when I've thought my worse thought he reacts in a rather loving and forgiving matter. 

I'm not saying that God would let me get away with murder, but I just feel that I am constantly being censored, watched, or looked down on for my views on certain issues, my reactions to something, or my outlook on life. I'm a rather free spirt, which worked well for me when I lived in CA, but here I feel like a bird with no wings. 

I think that Lynchburg is soon to be a distant place for me. I need to move on and see what else is out there and what's awaiting me. 

So I can spread my wings and not look behind me.

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